
Salam. I'm writing this post from Labuan, weee and tonight, I would like to share how a lot of changes have taken place since my last post. So for the past 3 weeks, I've spent time with my colleagues, whom I can consider my new friends now.

They are just wonderful people with different background and religions and I am so very glad that I have this opportunity to meet them. They kinda remind me of my old self back in the States, the girl that was always eager to try different new things. The side of me that I haven't seen in a while. Although not every part of it is the best of me, I really miss that Husna. The time spent with these sengal friends is like a flash-back to me; and I realize that the transition from the young and free Husna to the more 'serious' Husna isn't all that fun but it is pretty exciting. Well, there were a lot of challenges and I even saw myself cried over the smallest things for the past one year.

Trying to get used to 'career-woman' lifestyle is a bit difficult, but now I know that I cannot get everything 'perfect'. There are things that I'm good at, but there are also things that I'm very bad at. I need to know my weaknesses but I don't necessarily have to be stuck with them forever. I need to stop asking 'why' and I should be thinking more of the 'how'. I need to stop identifying my limit because there's no such thing really and because I believe I have the courage to push myself beyond limit, with His willing. I need to stop looking where my fault is, I need to stop comparing my ideas with others' because everyone can be right. I need to realize that I'm forever a learner. I'll seek knowledge until my very last breath, insyaAllah. I know I have my own strengths and I must learn how to contribute to people. I also realize that I need to have more fun in life :)

Meeting them gives me the chance to know more about myself and deep down my heart, it is clear to me which path I should take. On the other hand, this one thought also came to mind. Sometimes, when I wanted something so badly, I asked Allah and it always worked that way. But as I grow older, I realized that if I really love Allah, have I done my best to win His blessing? Say for example, I want straight A's in PMR and I worked really hard to achieve that goal. I studied really hard and I prayed hard too and Alhamdulillah, He gave what I wanted. However, now, my dreams aren't about getting As anymore and they are getting more complicated. So, somehow, I feel like I'm very small and asking a lot from God seems a bit too much at this point. I know that I should not give up with His mercy so I will try my best to be a better person during this Ramadhan, insyaAllah.



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