post umrah

Alhamdulillah, selesai ibadah umrah 2 minggu lepas. Seronok, sangat seronok diberi peluang untuk menjadi tetamu Allah sekali lagi. Kegembiraan dan 'excitement' yang tak dapat saya kecapi di tempat lain di dunia ini. Rasa sungguh tenang dapat beribadah bersama keluarga tersayang di masjid masjid mulia, awww.. it's the best feeling! Dan sekarang, saya sentiasa rindu pada Mekah dan Madinah.

I personally like Madinah more, but both holy cities are so beautiful. Both places offered me with wonderful 'spiritual' and 'physical' experiences. And I like the part where thousands of people gathered at these beautiful masjids, from different part of the world. With different languages, colors, cultures, and everything! I just love talking or observing different people and it's very touching (deep) to think how they come to Mekah and Madinah with the same intention. Isn't that wonderful?

Allah bring us together, has selected us to be His guests again, subhanAllah. It's one indescribable experience :)

Ya Allah, sampaikan kami sekali lagi di tanah haram Mu ya Allah. :)


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