blessed 2015 and 2016

Happy new year.
It's a new book!
Be excited to write the first page!

Alhamdulillah for everything.
Literally, for everything.

Thank You.
For the worst things.
(I've decided to write down my blessing,
so that this post doesn't sound so depressing)
omg, they rhyme!

I bought my first car.
I actually drove here and there this year! Woot, woot.
I'm happy with my assessment result.
I went for Umrah and ziarah with mom and sister and uncle.
I went to the nature with my good buddies.
I completed my initiatives at work.
I got accepted, and be a student again!!
I got to teach people.
I meet new amazing friends.
I'm able to get rid of toxic people in my life.
I could survive without fancy food!
I manage to survive without big salary, lol (Thanks mak).
I get to practice Arabic here and there (yippie).
I decided to start on 'project life' challenge.

Lessons learnt
Passion is the key to everything.
Things make more sense looking backward.
No such thing as impossible.
Being alone and being lonely are not the same thing.
It's okay to not feel okay.
Life is not a competition.
Attachment to world matters are unhealthy.
Strive hard.
Put your trust in Allah, He will take care of the rest.
Figuring life out is easier when we live simple.

The most important thing,
ALLAH is the center of everything.
He's the top priority.
So, if we can do that,
everything else will fall to its place.


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