I'm 27!

Oh wow, it's 2017. So fast lah the time flies.

Anyway, happy new year. Let's do quick recap on 2016.

Survived my coursework, which was so overwhelming and stressful.
Went to Kelantan with my family.
Climbed Baling.
Visited Zoo Taiping.
Long boring literature review of gravity data processing (nanges) and learned Oasis Montaj.
Sri Lanka and Irau.
Rigorous modelling for gravity data (lots of try and error).
Jalan2 Penang with my sisters.
Raya and Inas.
My awesome birthday party!
Horror weeks of drafting thesis.
Viva and done with MSc!
Rinjani and amazing Lombok.
Returned to Petronas and departmentless for 3 weeks.
Joined new team, steep learning curve, operation and fdp.
Rope swing.
Southern trip with Emak and Chee ba.
Lunch and dinner with close friends.

haha, the highlights of my 2016. As I list these down, I realize how blessed I am to have amazing opportunities to do something different, to meet great people, to go through hard moments and still be able to smile. I think I've cried a lot in 2016, sign of aging and maturing I guess. Thank You Allah, for everything. Thanks Emak for always having faith and trust in me. Thank you sisters for always being there, like literally being there. Always toughen me up and soften me down whenever necessary, you guys are really my battery charger. Thank you friends for all cherished moments. Thank you friends, who have walked with me through thick and thin, and you are absolutely amazing. Thank you for everything.

Thanks Allah for these beautiful people, and I'm pretty sure you know who you are. May Allah bless you always.



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