being positive is the key :)

3rd day of field work with Dr. Sternberg's crew and Zonge people.
Getting better at organizing ourselves and communication as well.

This class made me realize that geophysics is a really cool field. I still remember our geology field camp. We hiked all the day, went to the outcrop, looked at the rocks, and started mapping. But geophysics field camp is totally different. We hiked, set up the wires, and Voila, you got the data. Some of them were really good, and some of them were really bad. Oh well, that's science. I still remember how Ben asked us to be prepared of any changes and he was quite right. We kept changing methods, plans, and of course, all for the better results. 

I was pretty down actually on the second day because 4 students dropped the class. I guessed field works were not meant for everyone. To think about it, waiting for the data really takes a while, honestly, but it's not really about how you use the time. It's really easy to get frustrated when you're out in the field, but hey, isn't being positive is the key? Today, my shoulders hurt a lot and I walked so slowly but no matter how slow I was, at least I made some progress, kan?

I will try to improve myself and insyaAllah, at the same time I want to try different things. I have so many things going on right now, and in midst of everything, I keep asking myself, is this really what I want to do? Can I really do this for the rest of my life? I just don't want to regret later in life. I might take the wrong turn somewhere along the road, but at least, I've tried. Knowing some paths might not fit me at all, I can always check the map and try another route. 

I would like to also thank someone so meaningful in my life and without him, I might be at lost. He's the greatest man I've ever known though I've never met him. A great man that we always praise in our prayers, all the time insyaAllah. Abah used to pesan, banyakkan selawat. There was this one time, an ustaz asked me, who do you love the most in life? I replied, of course Allah and rasul, and then parents and family. I might not be the most alim person on Earth, but I do love Rasulullah. Imagine 1400++ years ago, Rasulullah had to carry this mighty task to deliver Islam to the hard core people of all, Arabs. How scared he was the night he received the very first revelation. That's why I love him, because of his beautiful sacrifice and amazing jihad. His patience, wisdom and most importantly, the most beautiful Akhlak of all mankind. 



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