Respect: Are we doing the right thing?

Warning: Today's post will be the most rojak post ever. I'll try not to be bias, I'm not going to sell political ideas and this post is based on common sense. So, here goes, a note from a student, who's going to graduate from a US university in two weeks and strongly feels that the world will become a better place ONLY when you respect every single creature on the Earth.

What's happening people? Injustice, occupation, corruption, racism, terrorism, and the list goes on. I personally can't quite point out what goes wrong in our world today, because everything seems to be entangled with each other, they (obviously) seem very complicated and I slowly run away for the messy issues. Ignorant? Yeah, I might be one but I call myself an observer, who silently attempts to connect the dots of every single uprising that I've heard and read.

I think that the most important element of social development (this might be the wrong term to use) is Respect. From the Free Online Dictionary, 
tr.v. re·spect·edre·spect·ingre·spects
1. To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem.
2. To avoid violation of or interference with: respect the speed limit.
3. To relate or refer to; concern.
1. A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem. See Synonyms at regard.
2. The state of being regarded with honor or esteem.
3. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.
4. respects Polite expressions of consideration or deference: pay one's respects.
5. A particular aspect, feature, or detail: In many respects this is an important decision.
6. Usage Problem Relation; reference. See Usage Note at regard.

Respect, we consider other people's feelings, beliefs, opinions, and decisions.
Respect, we try to be in their shoes and understand them.
Respect, we simply allow people to do what a normal human being could do.
Respect, we don't take away people's belongings (physically, mentally, or spiritually).
Respect, we don't have to love but we somehow feel connected to people.
Respect, we let people do the RIGHT thing.
Respect, we do the RIGHT thing for other people.

I know, people define 'the right thing' differently, but do you realize that God gives us the most efficient processor and we are also given the 'gift' to understand, comprehend and digest information sent to our brains. My dear friends, all we have to do is Think. Think is the most natural act that you could think of as soon as you wake up from sleep. You think every second that you don't even realize that you are actually thinking. Think, as long as you want to, but please realize that the world doesn't revolve around you ALONE. We live in a huge community, that requires mutualism in every aspect of life. If I said yes to pollution, but you said no, hey, isn't it time to sit together and discuss about this?

Yes, we sometimes take things for granted and we forget the existence of other people but we have to understand that if we continue to 'step' on other people, if we continue to dehumanize people, if we continue to neglect our responsibilities, then, what direction are we heading to? Destruction? Another form of colonialism? I mean, look at the news. We see awful things are happening around us. We cannot somehow remove the negative symptoms only, we must get down to the bottom root/cause of these matters. 

This post is meant for everyone. I read this from Reader's Digest weeks ago, we often address the 'Society' or 'Community' in our article/discussions, but we almost always forget that we are part of the structure. I strongly believe that we need to educate ourselves first. Read, do research, and think. Respect yourself first before you respect other people. Try to evaluate how other people/issues affect your life. If you think, Hm, this is not right, then talk about it. We gain respect through 'diplomatic' discussions and there's no harm in asking guidance from someone who has knowledge in that matter. However, don't simply follow your intuition (or whatever you read from blogs) because they could be misleading. Don't do something just because 'my neighbors ask me to do this'. Think. Find a good, valid, logic reason to do something. 

And as I said at the beginning, we need respect. Please respect my idea as I respect yours, but do realize that 'respect' grows from a good seed. It comes from a good foundation. If you heard something like, "Well, I respect the thieves. They have their own reasons why they steal", then, something's not right. Before the world evolves to a place full of injustice and adapts to the inhuman natures done by us, we need to stop somewhere and think, "Are we doing the right thing?". I still remember when I was in primary school, my Akhlak (Moral) teacher taught me this, Zalim (violence) means to put something at the wrong place. Even 'being oppressed' doesn't give you the ticket to fight back using violence

Wallahu A'lam. Peace.


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