
Hari ni teman mak pergi kenduri rumah Wak Atin. Seronok jugak kembali kepada aktiviti merewang dan spend time with aunts and kaum kerabat. After Yaasin, ada tazkirah dari my cousin, Ustazah Asmah.

Saya sangat bersyukur sebab Allah beri lagi peluang untuk muhasabah diri dan belajar benda baru hari ni. Kadang kadang, bila dah busy kat rumah ni ke sana sini, layan kerenah anak anak, diri hampir terlupa yang kita ni berada di bulan Syaaban. Bulan yang penuh rahmat dan saya perlu ambik peluang keemasan ni untuk tambah kan ibadah dan amalan. -.-‘  It’s okay Husna, masih ada peluang. Jom gear up untuk Ramadhan! Ustazah juga ada pesan yang bulan ni, kita sangat digalakkan untuk berdoa untuk parents yang tercinta.

Tersebut pasal parents, mari saya bercerita tentang cerita sementara saya di rumah ni. Sekarang, saya kena tolong my sisters dengan anak2 mereka. Honestly, rumah mak dah macam nursery sekarang. Seronok tengok anak anak kecik main sana sini, but hey, reality nya memang tak seindah mana la kan. I mean of course children are Allah’s gift. Sangat precious and priceless. But on the other hand, saya rasa parenting adalah sangat susah. You need to know what your priorities are, know how to balance things and most importantly, patience.

It’s really amazing when adults try really hard to comprehend and please their children even though communication with kids is really hard. SubhanaAllah. I think that’s the beauty of parents-children relationship. Parents should spend a lot of time with their children to nurture the bonding and to educate their children themselves.  Parents these days are too busy with works to prioritize their children; and often time, the kids are left at the nursery, kindergarten or neighbors without proper care.

I hope parents who work extra hard to improve their families’ well being, realize that the time spent with their children is also important. Money cannot buy happiness, and more importantly, money cannot buy time. Time is very precious. Once lost, it will be lost forever. We should start learning how to balance everything in our life :) Bila anak anak dah besar panjang, jangan rasa sedih or menyesal sebab their childhood hanya akan datang sekali sahaja. So, treasure every moment. (Peringatan untuk diri sendiri)

Thanks again Allah for giving me another chance to learn and improve myself.

P/S: Few lines from Surah Al-Ankabut that really touched my heart yesterday, 
2: Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?                 6: And whoever strives only strives for [the benefit of] himself. Indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds.


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