utara bound

Salam and hai!

Writing this post from Alor Setar, Kedah!! Woot, woot. I have been here for a week now, embarking the new phase in Northern Malaysia as a student. Alhamdulillah, I still could not believe it actually, haha, but here I am, a Geophysics student at USM. It was not easy, honestly, to make this decision, been thinking about it a lot, been talking about it with a lot of people prior to leaving, and there were a lot of things to do of course.

So far, I had to face many challenges, with registration and housing la. But, hey it is only the first week of school kan? I have a list of things to do. My computer is also not very helping *new one, though* but these little hiccups really teach me to be stronger and more... chill? Yeah, I think if I were to go through all these when I was 20, I would probably cry *such a cry baby la Husna ni* but now, I'm like.. whatever will be, will be. Perhaps the experiences have matured me, and I'm more composed at present.

I am more positive and I believe that everything will okay. Maybe because my sister is like an hour away from USM, so I know I still have someone around if I'm lost. *mmg dah lost pun hari tu, keluar exit salah and end up di kuala Kedah. and my phone was dead, and orang kampong macam I of course la takde power bank. and the new car charger is not working*. But, I survived selepas berhenti charge phone di Shell. And my sister came to rescue.

In terms of classes, there's only 5 of us new students. Another 5 are students from different batch but they are very nice and helpful. I like the small class, where we could have discussion and talk among ourselves, rather than just listen to the instructor. I would say the American-uni experience helps me to be more open minded and brave to speak out my opinion. I have no trouble asking questions in class *I'm so proud of myself, haha*.

Well, to get here, I have to sacrifice quite a lot but I guess once we're determined to do something, we need not to look back in doubt or fear. Well, the uncertainty is there but the thing I said often to myself is this, 'I just don't want to regret later in life'. I had to 'debate' with my bosses, doing some negotiating and reasoning, and I feel like those discussions help me to see the big picture clearer. I'm forever thankful for them, and take this as a challenge to myself. Not necessarily to prove anyone, but to hop on to this 'pursuit of happiness' journey. Well, the worst thing is, I've tried. And of course, insyaAllah, I will try my best to get this done.

Okay, I think that's all for now. Yeay, I think being a student again will allow myself to write more, I hope. It's always fun to pour my heart out sometimes. Not like anyone will give this a serious thought anyway, but I do. So, Husna, stay strong and be courageous! Life is a lonely path, but make it a colourful one with the presence of family, friends and food of course :)



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