
Cant really sleep so I'll try to transform my usual reflection moments into writing. new year how exciting. i have a list of things to be accomplished for this year. these goals are mostly driven by my new working life. im no longer a student. im an employee. i no longer submit homeworks. i no longer have the luxury of freedom that i dearly miss these days. i now realize how time is so limited and each day im getting closer to death. i should be doing more good deeds, i should be crossing out my bucket list, i should be doing things that i enjoy the most... but when the reality struck me, i know that 356 days a year seem not enough.

last week for example, i went to the hospital for imad's check up. so while waiting for his turn, i observed my surrounding and saw a mixture of young and old couples. for the young ones, im so impressed with the fact that they are now a parent at such a young age. they are strong and capable enough to carry the responsibilities that come along with a child. good job guys!  however, on the other hand, i saw older couple with small kids. some of them might be there for their 4th or 5th child, but others might be there for their first time. i have a feeling that somehow raising a small kid is a bit hard when we're at that point where career needs our fullest attention. that moment when we want to step up to another level in career. these people might be those workaholic staffs who work day and night to meet the deadlines.

im a girl with dreams and ambitions, but i guess everyone wants to eventually settle down and have family. which one comes first, yet to be decided. i have no rush but people at work keep pestering me with the marriage issue, and it made me wonder, too. so i come to the conclusion that everything needs balance. too much of something is not good, too little pun x bagus, so we must keep noting where is the equilibrium point. this is my azam for this year, the quest of a balanced life. between faith, family, health, hobbies, friends. and perhaps looking for a son in law for emak. :) guess thats all for tonight. i hope 2013 will take me to more adventures in life that mature me and strengthen me as well. Dear Lord, please make me, my family, my teachers, my friends strong and please protect us from anything that will harm us in any way. And please also send victory for Muslims all around the world. Peace.


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