A colorful one :)

Hari ni saya berbual dengan Kak Lisa, dan ini kesimpulan daripada perbualan kami

1) Muhasabah diri itu satu anugerah. Tak semua orang dikurniakan ability untuk berhenti dan berfikir sejenak tentang hidup kita. Tak ramai orang yang mahu bertanya di mana kurang/salah nya kita apabila sesuatu terjadi di luar jangkaan kita. Kadang kadang, apabila musibah melanda kita susah sangat nak menjadi positif. Instead, kita lagi prefer untuk bertanya kenapa Allah buat macam ni kat aku? Kenapa Allah x bagi kekayaan pada kita? Kenapa banjir melanda kat negeri kita, tak negeri orang lain?

2) Bersyukur dan sentiasa bersangka baik dengan Allah. Bila musibah melanda, memang susah nak jadi positif, tapi kita kena bersabar dan bersyukur yang Allah masih sayangkan kita. Bukankah ujian itu tanda cinta Allah pada hambaNya?

Pagi tadi pulak, saya terfikir ni: It's really easy for us to take things around us for granted. For example, Islam. Sometimes we think that being a Muslim is good enough, but actually, we need to always improve ourselves in order to become a good Muslim. The syahadah is not sufficient to send us to jannah, hence, we need solat and good deeds :)

Sometimes we feel like it's a given that we have both mother and father (at least I do), but, we seldom try to understand them. We instead want them to understand us all the time. Kadang kadang, kita rasa macam eh, tu kan mak saya, mesti lah saya kenal dia, but do we really know our parents? As I grow older, I realize that even 100 years might not be enough for me to know every little detail about my mom and my dad.

I also realize that everything changes and we need to treasure every moment, every opportunity. I don't know why but recently, people keep telling me that we only have one life to live. Last Saturday actually, we went to Street Fair and met this one gentleman who lived in Indonesia for couple of years. We were so delighted to get the chance to talk to him, and he encouraged us to make this life a colorful one.

I read this book, Red, White, and Muslim: My Story of Belief by Asma Gull Hasan two years ago, and it was a very inspiring book. One of the things that touched me the most was when she said something about fresh roses. Why on earth people would want to buy fresh roses and arrange them nicely in a vase though they know that one day the roses will die and they need to buy new ones? Isn't it better to get bunga plastic? She explains some stuffs but I do not remember the details, but it has something to do with living your life beautifully while you have the chance to do so. It's not the matter of wasting time, energy and money, but it has something to do with making use of something and getting the best out of it. (Perumpaannya seperti seseorang yang bertanya kenapa perlu bersusah payah dalam hidup sedangkan kita akan mati suatu hari nanti.)



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