going to school

Semalam, saya volunteer untuk saturday science academy, and it was fun. There were some presentations and Jessica (a professor) gave a brief talk on "Being a Scientist". She was pretty cool and the main idea of her speech was to encourage high school students to go to college. The students came from the minorities & under-represented group. So, the main purposes for the whole event were to show them different kinds of science and to make them realize, hey, college is a good thing to do!

Take home message:
I think program like this is very crucial not because of the money university will get from tuition fees, but students need to be exposed to this kind of opportunity.

First, it's really bias and unfair when students from city and good schools are the only ones who get the privilege to attend this activity back in Malaysia.

Second, it's really annoying when medic and engineering are the most popular fields among good students. There are a lot of different exciting courses that students can choose, but they only focus on those two.

Third, parents should play their role in HELPING their children to decide what they wanna do in the future. They cannot fully rely on teachers to do this. Give support and thoughts, but don't scare their children off by deciding for them.

Ingatlah ketika pemuda pemuda itu berlindung dalam gua lalu berdoa, "Ya Tuhan kami, Berikan lah rahmat kepada kami dari sisiMu dan sempurnakanlah petunjuk yang lurus bagi kami dalam urusan kami". (18:10)



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